Meet the face
behind the posts
Hi I'm David, I'm at present in my late twenties and of course I have Autism.
Taking inspiration from other people who are on the spectrum and have autism I decided to have a try and write up a page for people who have Autism. It's also aimed at those with the condition who also have anxiety and stress issues. The two I do have issues with owing to what iv had happen over the years which have gone from issues at college to my volunteering work & most recently family issues plus being cast aside by those I once trusted.
As most of you are aware there are more boys who are diagnosed with Autism than there are girls, however it's been noticed that this number has been rising of the last
few years. There differences in the type of autism that people are diagnosed with as some will need help with a lot of things while some can try to live a perfectly normal life.
Over the years I have hit a large number of mile stones, one of which being when I turned eighteen which was in January 2012, aswell as this celebration I was also celebrating the passing of my driving test which took place two days before my 18th birthday. Other landmark birthday's over the years have included my twenty-first & most recently hitting my twenty-seventh.
With some of the past experience I have had which included being bullied by select people aswell as the insults for having autism and the fact that some places wont allow people who have autism makes me wish that I can just live a perfectly normal life like everyone else rather than suffer from the condition. However as iv got older iv begun to realise that although it's a condition that we will never be able to get rid of we can still try our damn hardest to live as best a good life as we possibly can and try to think of only the positives about having autism rather than the negatives.
I might not be able to answer all of life's questions but I will be here for all of you and I will give it my damn best shot.